When should we show the montage?
Good question! Some things to consider when showing the montage... You don't want to wait too late because some people who have to leave...
Light Up L.E.D. Stages
Light up LED stages have become more and more popular at Bar Mitzvahs. Once reserved for posh nightclubs they have now found their way...
The 411 on Mitzvah Montages
"The slide show thing who does that?" "I wouldn't know where to begin with making a montage" "Who handles showing it?" These are all...
Where to put that Green Screen?
The use of green screens for taking pictures has become quite popular at Bar and Bat Mitzvahs the last several years. I see this trend...
"Louder, I can't hear you!" A brief guide to effective microphone technique
Have you ever heard that at a party you attended? Perhaps the guest of honor or a friend or family member was making a speech. Our...
Fashionable Foam!
Trends come and trends go, and often the person who keeps the closest tabs on all of the changes, (possibly the most fashionable person...
How To Select The Right DJ Entertainment For Your Bar / Bat Mitzvah
Selecting the right DJ Entertainment for you son or daughter's Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a task that should not be taken lightly. Ask any...